Bedden (1)

Hoofdbord Fendi Casa €11.000 €4.900

Banken (5)

Hoekbank i4Mariani Asso 470 x 330 cm  €19.995 €7.700
Loungebank Clipper B:264 x D:95 cm €8.060 €3.500
Bank Marac Tango B:200 x D:97 cm €4.310 €1.350
Bank Baxter Viktor B:230 x D:100 cm €9.850 €3.900
Hoekbank BW- Long Island €17.000 €9.995

Fauteuils (7)

Fauteuil Poltrana Baan Meubelen €3.680 €1.850
Fauteuil Macazz Chiro €2.450 €1225
Fauteuil Baxter XL €4.550 €1.500
Fauteuil Dragonfly High €3.130 €1.150
Fauteuil Baxter €3.950 €1.190
Fauteuil Toscana €2.660 €1.395
Fauteuil Lola €1.570 €630

Stoelen (7)

5x Stoel Marac Anita €6.445 €1.940
4x Eetkamerstoel Costes €5.520 €1.950
2x Barkruk MIDJ Lea €2.000 €1200
4x Stoel Costantini Villa €6.100 €2.995
1x Stoel Baxter Colette €1.720 €850
3x Barkruk Java capiton €4.290 €1.250
4x Stoel Light €2.560 €770

Kasten (5)

Dressoir "Wish" 220 x 55 x H.75 cm €5.995 €1.800
Wandkast Meridiani 150 x 150 cm €8.510 €3.250
Dressoir Visionnaire Home €20.500 €6.150
Dressoir Magna 190 x 50 x H.81 cm €8.245 €1.990
Dressoir "Quadro" €8.245 €2.475

Tafels (17)

Meridiani Plinto eettafel 160 x 160 cm €9.990 €4.995
Tafel Cattelan Skorpio 240 x 120 cm €5.335 €1.750
Set Bongo Meridiani €2.460 €990
Tafel Cattelan Italia Planer 250 x 128 cm €6.490 €1.950
Salontafel Kevin Frigerio €3.650 €1.750
Tafel Common Van Rossum €4.350 €1.750
Salontafel Nelson Frigerio €4215 €1.995
Tafels Baxter Ø80 en Ø60 cm €4.055 €1.250
Tafel Bird €3.650 €1.550
Salontafel XVL Cuba €1.950 €890
Bijzettafel Atlante €1.240 €375
Salontafel Fendi €3.565 €1.650
Salontafel Bloq €3.095 €930
Eetkamerset Genesis €20.600 €8.900
Salontafel K285 €1.825 €750
Salontafel "Botero" €1.595 €890
Set tafels "Genesis" €5.175 €2.200

Diversen (3)

Poef Meridiani Brons €1.150 €345
Embrasse koord €65 €25
Poef Kubus Fendi €2.880 €865

Karpetten (1)

Karpet Beige 200 x 300 cm €9.725 €2.900

Verlichting (14)

Staande lamp Glo Ø38 x H.150 cm €2.350 €750
Lamp Sigma CL1842 €3.250 €1.595
Lamp Cornelia €1.050 €650
Vloerlamp Milano €1.645 €495
Lamp Hudson €1825 €550
Lamp Contardi Clessidra €1.375 €420
Lamp Ilfari €1.730 €795
Lamp Rosedale €1.799 €1.250
Lamp Elysee €1.165 €695
Lamp Fendi - Sphere €3.890 €1.875
Hanglamp Mellow €1.940 €750
Wandlamp Ipe Cavalli €8.300 €3.750
Lamp CL1591 €4.000 €1.650
Plafondlamp "Brendan Forks" €7.950 €2.900

Wanddecoratie (11)

Cobra Art Window of Soul €1.860 €930
Spiegel Zwart-Goud = gereserveerd €2.450 €735
Pendule Klok €1.450 €725
Zeefdruk "Frauenportrait" €2.695 €1.345
Schilderij II Bersaglis €2.650 €1.325
Schilderij George Clooney €2.995 €1.495
Schilderij Robbie Williams €2.995 €1.495
Schilderij Elements of Gothic Young €2.100 €1.050
Schilderij Terra Mystica €1.150 €575
Abstract GA019 €1.450 €725
Schilderij Collage P471 €940 €470